Thursday, May 26, 2011

Better Late Than Never...

Hey everyone!

I meant to try and figure out how to start a blog when we first arrived here in Japan and am only just now getting around to it. I noticed several times while searching for places here online that I would come across blogs by other military families that either are here already, or have been here before us and always found the information very useful. :) It's scary to move to a completely different country but it is some times comforting to find others who are in the same boat that you are. Especially when it's someone who is semi-established already. Everything moves very quickly when you're in the military. Not just for the active duty member but for the families as well. I hope that this becomes a fun and informative blog not just for our friends and family members but also for anyone who happens across it. :)

So to start with, my husband, son and I moved here last September 2010. My husband is in the US Navy and is currently stationed at the Naval base in Sasebo. We live in off-base housing in Hario Village, about 30 minutes away from the base. This is old news to people that know us lol... I wouldn't exactly say that we have "friends" here but we know a few people either because Andy, my husband, works with them or from FRG (Family Readiness Group) meetings, or they live near us and we see them almost daily. :) I assure you this is not because the people here are awful, they are actually incredibly generous and kind. I'm just incredibly shy lol...

Well, we are in the beginnings of the rainy season here...and let me tell you..they're not kidding around here when they say to always have an umbrella, or several. Everytime I try to time things so that I can dart out with Devyn (son) to check our mail when the rain seems to have stopped, I come back outside the post office to find that it's now pouring. This is especially annoying when you've chosen to wear a very light weight, white, button-down shirt :P It's okay. I like the rain. I just need to better plan my outfits and never again forget our umbrella lol... We are hoping that the weather clears up enough for us to maybe take a family outing this weekend. :) If it does, and we do, I will post some pictures and detail our trip for everyone.  TTYL!


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